A Wandering Eye (11/09/20)
I’m not sure how much value there is in posting updates for something that is on the front page – even so, I will continue to do that. There is a new blog post. Also there is now a Pamala Smith’s What’s the Narrative facebook page, which is where I will be posting the updates (that exist here anyway).
What’s the Real Narrative (11/08/20)
Blog Post #1 (though I’m instead going to call them ‘Analysis Shares’ because, for whatever reason, the term ‘Blog Post’ makes me queasy), now exists on the front page.
My Voting Day video (11/02/20)
I will turn in my ballot today and I’ve made a video about some of my choices. It can be seen here (and on my Video Campaign page) https://youtu.be/c1aS5Y_uNYA . A text version is here https://www.whatsthenarrative.com/voting-day/.
Social Work and Change (10/29/20)
I enjoyed participating in Lacey Sloan’s Social Work and Change course (UVM). This was my introduction.
Questions from a student at Ithaca (10/26/20)
An Ithaca student studying Interdisciplinary Studies posed some questions to me – the questions and my answers can be seen here: https://www.whatsthenarrative.com/ithaca-students-questions/
Social Work and Change with Lacey Sloan (10/26/20)
I am really looking forward to a candidate forum this Thursday (alongside H. Brooke Paige, Beth Pearce, and Carolyn Branagan) in UVM’s ‘Leadership and Social Change Living and Learning Community’ class, organized by Doctor Lacey Sloan – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Op1BT2EY7Bg.
Sign Installations (10/26/20)
Yesterday evening and this morning I installed some campaign signs like this (See more on the photos page):
Video for Barstow Memorial’s Election Fair (10/20/20)
A video I made for Barstow Memorial’s upcoming Election Fair. https://youtu.be/o1JJByUclI4 It can also be seen on my Video Campaign page.
Regulating “Medicine” (10/13/20)
In this video interview of David Herlihy https://www.vote802.com/davidherlihy he refers to what they do (The Vermont Board of Medical Practice, of which he’s the Executive Director) as regulating “Allopathic Medicine”, which is treating with either radiation, drugs (usually chemical-based) or surgery. I’ve taken a few courses in the field of health care and, WITHIN THE FIELD, there is consistent confirmation that part of their job is to work with the patients – that the patients understanding of their needs often HELPS to determine the diagnosis and treatment.
It isn’t consistent that Nurses are regulated by the Secretary of States Office but doctors are regulated by a completely discrete and distinct regulatory board. I say this because it known that nurses often feel somewhat powerless in relation to doctors and in relation to the care that they would like to see their patients receive. So if their response to the reasons for a complaint against them involve an actor that is regulated elsewhere, what happens? I’m going to go out on a limb and say that I shudder to think.
Does this mean that I think that nurses should be regulated under the same regulatory body as doctors? Or that doctors should be regulated under the regulatory body that is elected by the citizens?
I would say that the answer would depend on whether you’d like to be a patient where allopathic treatment may be deemed to be the only options before you even step through the door.
A Hello and Countdown Video (10/12/20)
3 weeks and a day until Election Day (I made this video yesterday). [That’s my blue fluffy hat to the left of me in case you are wondering]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDjltWB-yZg&feature=emb_logo And here is the text version: https://www.whatsthenarrative.com/three-weeks-and-a-day/
Answers Tab (10/11/20)
In case you didn’t notice the new ‘Answers’ tab – here are the answers I’ve given in different forums – but now all in one place.
Another Candidate Profile (10/06/20)
I’ve answered some more questions here: https://vote-usa.org/Intro.aspx?State=VT&Id=VTSmithPamala (Just pretend it is well-written as I edit errors and it says that it is updated but it doesn’t update).
Vermont: Little but Prominent, Small but Mighty (10/03/20)
Responses to Other Questions (09/27/20)
We didn’t get to all of the questions during the debate on Thursday. Below are links to my responses to these questions.
And I had a super quick closing statement.
I Will Fight for Citizens (09/26/20)
From 09/24 debate on CCTV’s Town Meeting TV.
Condos Files – The Spoken Word (09/14/20)
The third installment consists of five videos covering who the media should trust most, how hardworking Town Clerks are, Condos’ hallmarks of ‘Transparency and Just Government’, and his description of the Office of Professional Regulation. Playlist 3.
Condos Files – Caucuses and Confidence (09/08/20)
The second installment of Condos files consists of 6 video clips from 2010 and 2018 Secretary of State debates. Brooke Paige and Condos on Open Primaries (or Caucuses as they may see it) and Voter/Electorate Confidence. Playlist 2.
Condos Files is being populated (09/06/20)
Since this is the ‘Updates’ pages I am just writing to state that I have started to populate the ‘Condos Files’ page. See it here. More to come.
The ONLY viable alternative (08/31/20)
More on Donations (08/30/20)
To give an idea:
56 donations of $25.00 could buy 300 lawn signs (@ $1400.00). These could be placed on Main Streets of larger cities a couple of times before Election Day. This could really help!
If ‘we’ were REALLY adventurous, I’d read that during his 2016 Senate campaign Scott Milne paid nearly $20,000 for television 114 advertising spots. But I’ve called and gotten a few estimates for airing during Good Morning America and Thursday evening at 10 pm and it was about 200-400 for one showing.
And newspaper advertisements really seem to vary, $50, $500, $1000…
I am doing this myself and little donations might add up so that I could do some needed advertising.
Shortly I will have a way to donate digitally to the campaign – until then individuals could send a much appreciated check written to ‘Pamala Smith for Secretary of State’ to 31 Diamond St., Apt. 2, St. Albans, VT, 05478. And, thank you!
Related to Non-Profits/Campaigns/NGOs/… (08/25/20)
I spent this evening sending a ‘Letter to the Editor’ to Vermont newspapers and recently I’ve answered a few surveys, which were sent to me. It is interesting to see the different formats that organizations can use to collect information from users. One survey I answered was using ‘jotform’ – I hadn’t heard of it before but I liked it, it was a nice clean experience on this end. The Bennington Banner is using Google Docs as a form submission platform – who would have thought you could do that – not me. And speaking of Vermont newspapers from around the state – I used to work with them all of the time and I loved that part of my job. They have evolved some since then and it was just as fun. Check some of them out – here’s a picture of my list, which was simply derived from a google search for “Vermont Newspapers”.
I couldn’t pick a favorite but the Chester Telegraph is fun for me.
Vote Confirmation Animation (08/17/20)
Hidden on the ‘Initiatives’ page is a link to a simplified animation of my proposed Vote Confirmation process, where voters can confirm themselves that their votes are recorded correctly and leading to the totals.
Some Policy Answers (08/14/20)
I’ve answered some policy questions on isidewith.com. Click the policies tab to see what goes on in my mind.
Ballotpedia Profile (08/12/20)
I now have a profile for the race on Ballotpedia – not a day late either. https://ballotpedia.org/Pamala_Smith